Hola Familia,
How many weeks left in this transfer?
This week and the next..... then I will be leaving Tapachula...
What was your biggest challenge this week?
Our numbers went down a lot because I spent 3 days in Tuxtla..... I will explain below.
What is your biggest concern?
We have two married members that are thinking about separating so we are trying to keep them together.
Share your most significant tender mercy and Who was your favorite person this week?(go together) Hermano C..... is my favorite person. After a year in Mexico I need to renew my visa so they sent all the USA people that had 13 months in the mission to Tuxtla to give our finger prints and sign papers. I got to sleep at Mission President's home for one night on the couch.... The next day President invited me to go to the TEMPLE:)))) I wanted to go so bad but I felt bad because my companion was here in our area and I told him I really should get back. In the end I went to the temple and the crazy part is that Hermano C... from my 2nd area had called me on monday and told me that he had received his endowments on Saturday. I was pretty sad because I wanted to be there. When we were sitting in the session Hermano C... entered:) It was his second time to the temple and I was so happy. We have time to talk in the temple after, but when we left and were outside he told me that he was not planning on going today to the temple but that the spirit told him that if he went he would be surprised. I was soooooo happy! My joy was full to see him in the temple!
What are you looking forward to this week? Working our tails off! I´m pretty sure that I´m going to be transfered this next transfer and I want to leave the area with a whole bunch of people ready to be baptized.
I love you all!
The mission is great!
Thank you for the prayers you all have sent my way:)
Hermana Hickman