Tell us about some of the people you are teaching? We have two siblings that we found the other day J... and Y... they are progressing a lot. Their cousins are members J... is 15 years old and Y... is 17, pregnant and her husband left her.
Tell us about your best lesson and what made it so? The best lesson this week was with them. We got to teach them inside the Visitor's part of the temple (which was pretty much amazing). We invited them to be baptized and they said yes:)
What have you learn from the people you are teaching? One of our investigators M.. who can not be baptized because he is not married has taught me a lot. Whenever we visit with him he says," Hermanas I learned this and this and this when I read my scriptures this week." We have been fasting with him so he can get married, but he is a member at heart. This week he even paid his tithing!
How has your testimony grown this week? My testimony has grown in the fact that Heavenly Father can give me strength when I don´t have any. Today we are fasting with our poor bishop for our ward. We fasted for one of our investigators M... this week. You know how much I love food it was hard but the Lord has helped me realize I can do hard things. I think about him walking beside me a lot.
What food have you grown to like? I have grown to love all types of mangos there is about 30 different types. I also all spicy foods!
Have you had any new fruits or vegetables that you wish we had in the United States? yes Mangos and baby bananas
What made you smile this week? Our ward conference turned out great! We had a huge amount of less actives come and J... came to church (he is an investigator we hope will be baptized this week)
What made you laugh? when we let our cloths out to dry last week after HAND washing them;:) and it started to rain.
What have you learned to love about your companion? I have learned to love her as she is. I have learned more about her story and background and it is amazing: a convert of 5 years that used to be on the rough side now serving a full time mission. I also have learned how to pray thanks to her. She prayers like God is right next to her. It used to bother me and her prayers are extremely long but now I love them ( prayers like dad´s) lol
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