How do you think you have changed the most in the last 18 months?
I am stronger and no longer emotional.... I don´t cry and even though people have said goodbye to me and cry a lot I can´t cry.... I guess what I´m trying to say is the mission has made me have to except change. have also learned to trust in the Lord, do my part and the Lord takes care of the rest
What talent did Heavenly Father magnify in you as a missionary?
The gift to love people... I did not ever think that I could love so many people, I told my companion it is going to be weird to not be worried about so many people.
So you served a full time mission what impact will that have in the way you lead your life after your mission?
I love this question.... I came to Mexico to change people´s lives but in the end my life is the one that changed, the mission has changed my veiw of the gospel and helped me live the gospel and value it. Serving a mission will change the kind of husband I will look for and the kind of mother I will be one day.

Well I just want to take the special chance to thank you mom and dad for all the support and love you have given me these 18 months. I know we have seen some ups and downs together but I could not be more grateful, as I have been able to touch the lives of a few people here in Chiapas.... I think if it were not for two amazing parents I would not be here, I would not know what I know and be doing what I´m doing. Thank you for raising us in the gospel. I know that you have put a lot of money, nights stressed, or time writting me. I just want you to know I will forever be grateful for the sacrifice that you both have made. I can´t wait to thank you in person but I hope you know how much I love you. As for my two amazing siblings, thank you for so faithfully writing. I know I have not been the best at answering but it is so fun to read your letters and see your kids growing. T.... it has helped me so many times to think my brother did this and I want to be like him so I will keep working even if it is hard. N... I can´t even tell you how many times your letters were exactly what I needed. I love you sis and thank you for all the pics that you send so that I can feel apart of your life. I love you all J.. and H..I always tell people I have 4 sibling becasue I love you both so much. I so excited to see you all soon:) My dream is coming to an end but a new one will soon find its way into my life. I have loved every hard, tiring, wonderful, wet, hot, amazing day of my mission and would not change it for the world. I think more then anything I have learned to love my Savior and have realized that He loves me. I know our family is forever:) I love you all:)
With Love
Hermana Hickman