Sister Melanie Hickman, from Chico California

Sister Melanie Hickman, from Chico California is serving an 18 month mission in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 45: Giving blood, picking fruit Mexico style:)

Hola Everyone:)
Best day this week?
Tuesday was the best day this week. We had a lot of success and went from lesson to lesson.  More then anything I felt the Spirit super strong as we got to talk about family history.

The Stressful question...What 5 things made you smile?
1. I gave blood for the first time and did not pass out and I got a shot in the other arm.
2. My companion asked me how to say something in English and I repeated the word in Spanish thinking it was the name in English
3. A family of 4 on one motorcycle
4. Going in a taxi at 110 miles/hour
5. Receiving a blessing in English

Since it is Thanksgiving this month name 5 more things that you are thankful for ( different than the ones mentioned last week).

1. The power of prayer
2. Trials and when Heavenly Father takes his time answering my prayers because he wants me to learn patience.
3. The temple
4. Repentance
5. email so that I can write my family

How are your prayers different? 

I actual talk with my Heavenly Father and tell him what is in my heart.... 

What was your very first thought this morning when you woke up?  What was your last thought before you fell asleep last night?
I had a strange dream.... what was it?
I say good night to everyone in the family and say I love you good night and I can´t sleep until I do it... :)

I read that you have 96 sisters in your mission, the most of any other Mexico mission except one. What impresses you about the sister missionaries in your mission? there are so many great sisters here and the work has really hastened with all the work they are doing  


Favorite meal this week? 

Beans with a pan cooked chicken

Earthquakes? no

I'm not sure were to start sometimes I feel like I´m in shock that I´m here in Mexico there are so many things that are different.... no everything is different. I worry about the day I return because I have accepted the culture as my own. My health is fine there is nothing to worry about.  To tell you the truth it has made me a lot stronger because giving blood and getting shots and is something that has always given me fear, but I know I can handle it..... pretty much missionary strong... lol jk

I love you all:)

Hermana Hickman

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